
Plants, in general

The frisbee veers into the brush. Lua and I walk over. As we crouch over the planter box I look down and notice green protruding jaws cup two tablespoons of water. As I inch closer, I notice white spots, patterns …

Notes on quality

We often think of quality as embedded within a product. Does the product have the capabilities and craftsmanship I would expect? Is it well built? Does it function well? Those all matter, of course. But quality is as much in …

Open Loops

I pass over a graveyard. If I had to guess I would say the overwhelming majority of bones beneath the stones had unfinished business - open loops.

Yom Kippur is the Jewish response to solving this issue and putting it …

Enable us to pull

This is what a product manager (any great leader) must do. This is a deceptively simple phrase but there a lot packed in it. This describes the what and the how and the why for achieving success as a team …

Factory Floor

The cursor pulses hot green against the black terminal. A few quick taps execute the script. I watch the simulation unfold on the screen. Then, a stocatto barrage of keystrokes: Simulation number 39…no change from 38…The pX protein displays kinetics …

Goodbye, Grandma

On the way to seeing her I jotted down the memories, talking point bullets in my notebook: the warm feeling from sitting on the carpet as a kid, the smell of spaghetti and meatballs permeating the air on a random …

2009 Boston Marathon race report

The day begins at 4:30. I must have eaten more than I can remember the previous night. I cooked up a vat of pasta, garlic bread and salad for a few folks including some fellow K-star runners. We watch chariots …

Chabot half marathon race report

If you emphasize the physical side of training you may become superbly conditioned but mentally not advanced at all. On the other hand, if you concentrate on the mental aspect, it is inevitable that the physical side will follow. My